Alan "Howlin Laud" Hope for Norwich North

05/07/09 Norwich bye-elecshun
We are pleased to announce that Mr Alan "Howlin Laud" Hope is standing at the Norwich North bye-elecshun on Thurs July 23rd. Lord Toby Jug is Alans campaign manager and the indomitable Nick the Flying Brick is his election agent... Good Luck Alan. Once again the OMRLP is allowing the voters of Norwich a chance to vote for someone else other than the three main parties, who have consistently let us all down.
People ask why this webmaster spells bye- elecshun this way. Its simple ...bye bye the present Government and as usual the populace will shun the election.
The election has been called after the M.P Ian Gibson was thrown out of his Labour Party and then resigned in the wake of the M.P's expenses scandal. Mr Gibson was censured for selling his taxpayer-funded second home to his daughter for below market rates but his local party say he was badly treated.
Politicians think they can justifably line their pockets or families pockets, as a result of using the rules (or lack of them). It shows the total contempt that politicians hold for their constituents who are merely the taxpayers.
To be honest it also bemuses the OMRLP at the total lack of humility and contriteness of these M.P's when caught out. The people of North Norwich are now in a position to show the powers that be what they are made of.
Official Monster Raving Loony Party
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